Please note, the following links are password protected, password: admin62 Username:admin
The above links are intended to be viewed on chrome browser, with optimal viewing on desktop or tablet devices.
This above code is designed to work ONLY on mobile devices and tablets with a gyroscope and rear camera.
Purpose of this portion of the work is to capture data from a mobile devices as a participant goes on a walk. This data is then sent to a server, which can be retrieved at a later data using an API allowing users to create artworks using this data.
The recording process captures step count, geolocation coordinates, gyroscopic data and left/right turns. These are captured in events which are triggered depending on your preference ie . data is captured every 10 seconds OR after 10 steps OR after 10 meters etc, or a combination.
The 'walk' is saved in real time to a server, which also has a back end interface. You can login and view/edit/delete the walks.
List of assets:
This particular project has over 140 code assets supporting the front end, the following is a shortended list with subfolders:
Theory of the code
The code for this project was written for mobile web based platforms. Code languages used for this application were HTML, javascript, css and jquery. NOTE: As of 2017 security limitations to accessing gyroscopic data and webcam video streams were established. Purchase of an SSL certificate for the host server were required.
To realise this aspect of the project many prior code projects were pulled together. This includes : LIST
To realise this project a rebuild of the original 3D gallery was required, particularly with added the webcam feed. By default when selected input devices the front camera on a mobile/tablet device is set, but selecting the rear camera is difficult as devices have various other inputs such as microphones, blue tooth etc. This issue was solved by intergrating the awe.js code set, which allowed access to the rear camera of devices (tested on andriod and windows devices only on chrome browser)
Making sure that the following is also added to the beginning of the .php file that runs the application:
<?php function getMenuList() {$myfile = fopen("../data/Mickey.dat", "r+") or die("Unable to open file!");$list = fread($myfile,filesize("../data/Mickey.dat"));echo $list;fclose($myfile); } ?>
The above code will open the file name ( bold) in this case Mickey.dat and allow you to access the data.
To realise this project a rebuild of the original 3D gallery was required, particularly with added the webcam feed. By default when selected input devices the front camera on a mobile/tablet device is set, but selecting the rear camera is difficult as devices have various other inputs such as microphones, blue tooth etc. This issue was solved by intergrating the awe.js code set, which allowed access to the rear camera of devices (tested on andriod and windows devices only on chrome browser)
The Recording software
This portion of the software has been designed and tested to work on andriod devices OR devices with chrome browser. There are known issues with the safari browser, particularly accessing the rear camera of a mobile/tablet device.
STEP 1:creating the walk file (
load the create walk page (note you may be asked for username:admin and password:admin62). Enter a file name, this is where the walk data will be saved. And click next.
STEP 2: Event trigger settings
Now set the trigger settings, ie what will cause the data to be saved into the file.
In the below example the data is saved every 5 seconds.
STEP 3: Graphic User Interface (GUI) options
Now select Edit GUI. The options can be toggled on and off Once you have the desired settings click 'save and close' to begin the recording process.
This portion of the software has been designed and tested to work on andriod devices OR devices with chrome browser. There are known issues with the safari browser, particularly accessing the rear camera of a mobile/tablet device.
STEP 1:creating the walk file (
load the create walk page (note you may be asked for username:admin and password:admin62). Enter a file name, this is where the walk data will be saved. And click next.
STEP 2: Event trigger settings
Now set the trigger settings, ie what will cause the data to be saved into the file.
In the below example the data is saved every 5 seconds.
STEP 3: Graphic User Interface (GUI) options
Now select Edit GUI. The options can be toggled on and off Once you have the desired settings click 'save and close' to begin the recording process.
STEP 4: Recording interface
This is the recording graphic user interface.
The top right hand corner shows the current data that will be saved when an Event is triggered.
Top left hand corner contains a gear icon. Clicking this icon will pause the recording process and open the GUI options and Event Trigger options. Users are able to dynamically alter the Event trigger conditions and gui options
The bottom left icon pauses the recording process and opens a manual Event trigger button. Pressing the 'Manual Event trigger' button will record the data at that set time.
The bottom right icon ends the recording process, a window opens to confirm that the current session is to end
(note you may be asked for username:admin and password:admin62 when accessing the links).
This portion of the software has been designed and tested to work on windows operating systems OR devices with chrome browser.
ABOVE: Walk list (
This allows users to open, read and modify previously created walk data. Click on an item from the list, then click open. This will then open the editor (BELOW: The selected file will then be opened and its data populated into the editor. This is particularly useful to check for errors in recording and while developing an application which accesses the data. For marking purposes the editing options of add and delete have been disabled
Accessing the data from the walk has been simplified.Just call any of the following javascript functions:
Making sure that the following is also added to the beginning of the .php file that runs the application:
<?php function getMenuList() {$myfile = fopen("../data/Mickey.dat", "r+") or die("Unable to open file!");$list = fread($myfile,filesize("../data/Mickey.dat"));echo $list;fclose($myfile); } ?>
<script src="api.js"></script><script>var list = 0; list = "<?PHP getMenuList() ?>";var EventData = list.split("|"); </script>
The above code will open the file name ( bold) in this case Mickey.dat and allow you to access the data.
Build versions: excluding base code development
NOTE: Code is reference in individual files and annotated throughout the code files. Please download and refer to individual files for more detail. This code is designed to work ONLY on mobile devices and tablets with a gyroscope, geolocation and camera. This project required direct editing on the server as it is a mobile web application with SSL encryption, this process of debugging is difficult as developer tools can not be used for errors.
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