Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Internet art and the nature of the medium                        NET.ART

What is an Internet artist?
Internet art (often referred to as net art) is a form of digital artwork distributed via the Internet. This form of art has circumvented the traditional dominance of the gallery and museum system, delivering aesthetic experiences via the Internet. ... It refers to the Internet as a whole, not only to web-based works.

What is the interactive art?
Interactive art is a form of art that involves the spectator in a way that allows the artto achieve its purpose. Some interactive art installations achieve this by letting the observer or visitor "walk" in, on, and around them; some others ask the artist or the spectators to become part of the artwork. wikipedia

What is an interactive exhibit?
The meaning of Inter – “occurring between“, a push button could be thought of asinteractive but the communication between the participants (the “button and the visitor” is very limited with only one outcome). My definition of an interactive exhibitrequires “open ended” or “branching outcomes”.Apr 23, 2008

What is an interactive exhibit? - Museum Planner

What does the word interactive?
1. acting one upon or with the other. 2. of or relating to a two-way system of electronic communications, as by means of television or computer: interactivecommunications between families using two-way cable television.

Interactive | Define Interactive at

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